Green electricity is worth more
The amendment to the EEG that came into effect in 2012 offers new opportunities for additional income from your wind and photovoltaic systems.

So far, the traditional EEG secured a guaranteed price for the feed-in of electricity from renewable energy sources. By switching to direct marketing, the electricity produced is traded directly on the electricity exchange. With the entry into direct marketing, you are entitled to the stock exchange proceeds, the market premium and your share of the management premium. The management bonus guarantees you a fixed surcharge on top of the usual feed-in tariff.
If your system has the option of remote control, your management premium will be increased. We would be happy to advise you in order to find a suitable solution for your system.
Together in the balancing energy
Are you looking for the right addition to the marketing of storage capacity?
Participation in system services is already today possible with the E-SpeicherWerk.