We electrify YOUR ideas
With this guiding principle and the goal of driving forward the positive development of renewable energies, energy savings and future energy supply that will benefit our children, further generations and our environment, further processes will be electrified in the future. In the future, electricity storage systems will play a key role in this energy supply design and will take on this role as the fourth element, storage, in addition to generation, transport and consumption.

Contact Person
Marco Schmidt
Distribution E-SpeicherWerk
Marco Schmidt is your first point of contact at Pfenning Elektroanlagen GmbH for solutions on the subject of electricity storage and business models.
Are you looking for the right solution for your energy supply and still don't have all the answers? We will show you a possible solution.
Direct: +49 (0)170 - 812 40 91

E-SpeicherWerk is a member of the BVES -
German Energy Storage Association.

We are involved in the
"Energy Efficiency Export Initiative" network.
History of E-SpeicherWerk
2019 The expansion of the shell charging infrastructure and charging parks requires the flexibilization of the power grid, and the provision of additional grid connection power. At the time of planning, we are installing a 1.2 MW e-storage plant at the fastest and largest TESLA charging park in Europe. The power peaks of the distribution grid operator will be optimized, and additional primary and secondary control power combined with intraday will be provided with the storage. At the same time, power storage tenders with multi-use applications are successfully implemented.
2018 Concepts for the application of hybrid grids will increasingly become the focus of post EEG plant operators in the future. Here, Pfenning has implemented technical requirements in initial projects for energy suppliers in the combination of sector-coupled energy contracting with heating, cooling, electricity and emergency power with the integration of electric charging systems. Forecast-based charging and automatic and uninterruptible control between grid parallel operation and island grid were realized.
In 2017, further megawatt projects with the E-SpeicherWerk electricity storage system for primary control energy were realized and successfully prequalified. Among them is a 2.5 MW lithium-ion battery power storage system in operation at the manufacturing site.
In 2016, a concept for customer sites combined with electromobility for eCar and eLKW charging infrastructure will be implemented in practice for the first time. Roof-mounted photovoltaic systems and PV trackers are integrated into the charging infrastructure of a freight forwarding company. This forms the basis for the future challenge of electric drive technology. For optimized supply, an e-storage plant with 500 kW power and 500 kWh capacity with energy management system was integrated, and also participates in the control energy and intraday trading.
A 2.5 MW E-storage plant was installed on the factory premises so that customers can also visit the plants directly, and provides primary control power for the transmission system operator tennet.
In 2015, the first container solution-based, modular 5MW E-storage plant is built and successfully prequalified for participation in primary control power as a stand-alone unit. In addition, the first fully self-sufficient multi-family residential building without electricity or gas connection is equipped with an innovative battery storage system.
2014 the E-StorageWerk with individual energy management and stand-alone grid functions is implemented in large numbers in the agricultural sector. Hybrid energy supply systems in combination with CHP, emergency power or wind turbines and hydroelectric power plant are realized.
2013 the first local grid storage systems on Li-ion cell technology with active reloadable BMS are manufactured and connected to a virtual power plant. At the energy supplier, active reactive power management, avoidance of grid expansion, increase in self-consumption in the neighborhood, peak load reduction in the high-load time window go into real operation.
In 2012, the E-SpeicherWerk is presented for the first time as an independent brand at the InterSolar in Munich. The first 1 MW lithium-ion iron phosphate electricity storage system ready for series production is produced in the production facility for delivery in the application of primary control power.
2011 Solutions on the subject of SmartHome, BHKW and the E-storage plant at the InterSolar trade fair in Munich arouse lively interest.
2010 Thoughts on the topic of energy storage systems are integrated and practically implemented together with Christian Joos and Marco Schmidt.